Operation & Influence
The anticipated areas of influence of FEMAS will in the first instance be with Principals using Surveyors / Consultants who are members of associations approved as having a membership whose ethics, qualifications and experience are Relevant to their requirements.
The Federation will be available to government departments and / or international organisations to provide advice or opinions as may be required.
FEMAS has connections with the EU Commission as a member of CESNI-PT (European Committee for Drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation - Technical Requirements) and as a member of SAGMAS (Stakeholders Group on Maritime Safety). FEMAS also has connections with the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI). Its expertise and experience can contribute to the outcomes of these important bodies.
Whilst the object of formulation is in relation to the European Union, it is noted that much progress has been made with the Nordic body EFTA for mutual acceptance of the principal of free movement of people to and from their areas. This may thus be a further sphere of influence (i.e. Austria, Finland, lceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland).
The intention is, at least presently, to restrict the immediate operations of FEMAS to those associations or societies based in Europe. There has been correspondence with organisations outside of the Europe but as yet we have been unable to extend our operations and are unlikely to do so until all European countries have representation within FEMAS. lt is clear that the area where surveyors / consultants have in the past not been represented relates to cargo surveys. lt is also clear that in some areas of consultancy, there will be overlapping requirements.